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“C’mon and help out a bit. Stop bein’ mad all the time. Stop just hatin’ all the time. C’mon, let’s get some work done together.” [Barack Obama in Kansas City Wednesday – Hat Tip Breitbart]

Have you seen the Lois Lerner’s emails?

Lois emails

Dear me, Lois! Stop just hatin’ all the time!!

You know what Barack Obama calls Tea Party Conservatives?


Yup. The guy who is single-handedly stripping the dignity out of the office of President calls his political opposition Teabaggers.

Sweet merciful Zeus, Barack. Stop just hatin’ all the time!!!!

You ever heard the saying that if you are pointing a finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you?

Barack loves to whine about those meanie-meanie-jelly-beanie Republicans. They’re just hatin’ all the time. They’re bein’ mad all the time.

Meanwhile, three fingers are pointing back at the most hateful, spiteful, petulant, angry son of a bitch ever to occupy the Oval Office.

Of course, when Barack does use a finger, it’s more like this:

Obama trayvon finger

Just hatin’. Just a whole lotta hatin’.

Liberals are the most hateful, nasty, humorless bunch that ever walked the planet.

They’re permanently stuck in Bitch Gear.

It’s a regular meme on the interwebs that Conservatives tend to be better looking than Liberals.

No surprise there.

Like a bad liver can turn your skin yellow, when you are angry, bitter and hateful on the inside, it begins to infect the outside.

Lois Lerner wrote nasty hateful things about Conservatives?

Is anybody shocked?

Look at her.

Lois Lerner
(pic from AP)

Those aren’t smile lines, folks.

These people hate us. They are so full of loathing and vile, they’re being poisoned on it.

Did anybody really believe that Lois Lerner’s emails would be filled with pictures of cuddly kittens and inspirational quotes?

Come on!

The only time we see these wretched people smile is when they are gleeful at screwing us over. Then they’re downright delighted.

Hi Im Gina

How else do you explain the fact that to Liberals, Michelle Obama is considered glamorous and beautiful?

They rate on a curve.


Even in victory, Liberals are nasty and vindictive.

Like Beyonce after the 2012 election:


Or the ludicrous Ludacris:

Stop just hatin’, you bitter, hateful jerks.

Pursuit of Happiness?


One only needs to take a gander at Campbell, Wisconsin Police Chief Tim Kelemen who spitefully signed up a local Wisconsin Tea Party leader to an online gay dating site, a pornography site as well as the healthcare website.

Whoa! Tim! Stop just hatin’ all the time.

Protect and serve?

As if.

Liberals hate America. More to the point, they hate the American people.

It takes a lot of nerve to bitch about people “just hatin’ all the time” when you spend all your time hating people.

This idiot lightweight President jets around the country to find sympathetic audiences who will commiserate with him over how mean everybody is to him. Sadly, there are enough stupid people in this country who fall for his crocodile tears. It never enters Obamas or his brain-drones’ minds that they are the hateful, angry, bitter, vindictive, nasty people.

His mind-numbed robots take to the Twitters and Facebook and spit out the most hateful comments about Conservatives while they wring their hands and piss and moan about how mean Conservatives are.

Self-awareness has never been the strong-suit of Liberals. I suspect that not living in the real world contributes to that glaring character-flaw.

What they fail to comprehend is how incredibly petty and small they themselves make Obama look by rallying to his defense as if he’s some brain-addled child who can’t stand up for himself.

Which, I’m beginning to suspect Obama thinks he is.

It is he who hops on Air Force One to find sympathetic audiences to whom he can whine incessantly.

It is he who makes speeches about how mean Republicans are to him.

It is he who cries on the shoulders of his supporters about not being liked.

Oh, boo hoo hoo.

This from the guy who calls his opposition names.

This from the guy who uses the IRS to attack, harass and investigate his political opponents.

This from the guy who sends the Bureau of Land Management thugs to Taser pregnant women.

This from the guy who tells his supporters to “vote! It’s the best revenge!”

This from the guy who uses a State of the Union speech to attack justices from the Supreme Court while they have to sit there silently and take it.

A hateful, petty little man who runs crying to his drones at the slightest insult.

No wonder Putin is on the move. Why should he fear a President of the United States who seeks out citizens so he can cry on their shoulder about people thinking he sucks at being President?

No wonder Israel is ignoring him. Can a pantywaist who gets all snippy about criticism really wield the power and authority needed to be a strong, solid presence in the Middle East?

These are Liberals, folks.

What is both sad and frightening is these are the people who have weaseled their way into power. These petty, spiteful, angry, bitter whiners who act like two-year-olds who stamp their feet when they don’t get their way. The fate of the nation, the fate of the world, the fate of our economy, all rest in the hands of petulant brats who wouldn’t know how to act like mature, substantive statesmen if we gave them an instruction manual, crib notes and a cookie bribe.

Diann Russell is the author of Liberals Gone WILD!!! The Not-So-Silent Conquering of America

Available in all e-reader formats at smashwords.com.

Also available at Amazon Kindle Store, Barnes & Noble Nook Store, and Apple iBooks.

Her other books include RANT: Politics & Snark in the Age of Obama, and two novels, Under the Cloud and Sliding Home Feet First.

She is the owner of DiannyTees.com — a Conservative & Christian T-shirt Store, and is a social media content contributor for #RedNationRising.

Diann is a political dissident residing in The People’s Republic of New York.

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The post DIANNY RANTS: Just Hatin’ appeared first on All The Right Snark.

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